Monday, August 19, 2013

Post 5 - FUTBOL!!

Before I left, thanks to the generosity of many members of the TFC family, I was able to collect a lot of donated soccer gear to bring for the kids!
I was out at Angel House a few days ago and when the kindergarten/nursery school got out, one of the little girls, Neema ran up to me to come with her to change out of her  uniform. I walked with her to her room and she starts rambling on in Swahili with the biggest smile on her face, before I know it she is decked out in a complete uniform and she couldn’t be happier! It made me so happy to see how happy she was!
Neema in her new uniform!
Then when we walked outside to play “futbol” all of the other little kids ran out decked out in all of their new gear, I could help but laugh and smile to see how happy they all were in there “new” soccer clothes, it was incredible heartwarming. They all kept running up to me saying thank you thank you, and I couldn’t help but think I hadn’t done anything except bring this stuff over that other people had donated.  The more time I spend with these precious Angels the more I am learning to truly appreciate the smaller things in life and recognize the blessings that I am surrounded by.

Marwa, Kikwete, and Wambura in their new uniforms!

SO Excited about their new Soccer Clothes!


Playing in their new uniforms!

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